Sally has 20 years of experience as an environmental planner and is passionate about working with communities and individuals to help them use resources wisely and sustainably.
She has worked for environmental groups, councils, community groups, and as a consultant. Sally is effective at community liaison, consultation and facilitation, including multi-stakeholder workshops and engagement in urban and rural areas on climate change, natural hazards, and land, water and pest management.
She is expert at applying complex scientific and technical information to aid community or landowner-based management planning. She is a specialist in freshwater management, with a particular focus on integrated catchment-based solutions.
Sally led the development of a management plan for Hokonui Hills for mana whenua, and landowner management of rabbits in Otago. She has also developed a framework for Otago Regional Council to use to collaborate with the community for integrated catchment management.
Other past work includes water take limit-setting in the Lindis and Kyeburn catchments of Otago, community wastewater upgrades, and the development of a second-generation district plan.
Sally graduated from Otago in 1997 with an Honours degree in Law, returning to complete her Master of Planning degree in 2004.