Predator Free Dunedin – a community collaboration
Over just a few years, the idea to coordinate predator control across Dunedin and beyond to bring back the birds became a reality. By bringing together twenty groups and agencies – including iwi, research institutes, government, and grass-roots community groups...
Activating a vision for forest restoration in Wanaka
Rocky Hill, near Wānaka, is a large property with Outstanding Natural Landscape values, including tourist hot spot Diamond Lake. Once part of a larger high-country station, the property has been farmed and proudly cared for by one family for several decades. They have...
Green infrastructure for community and climate resilience in lowland Hawke’s Bay
Whirika is helping Hawke’s Bay Regional Council use climate resilience infrastructure funding to meet multiple needs on the Heretaunga Plains. Motivated to address climate and community resilience, the council was looking for ideas, as well as planning and...