Niki Bould

Senior Sustainability, Food and Waste Specialist | Team Lead
Ōtepoti Dunedin

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Ko Aire te awa
Nō Yorkshire ahau engari ko Ōtepoti toku kāinga ināianei
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Ko Niki Bould ahau

Niki is one of New Zealand’s leading experts in sustainability and waste recovery. With a PhD in Sustainability from the University of Otago (2013), Niki has been with Whirika (formerly Ahikā) since 2014.  

She has nine years of experience working with businesses and organisations, helping them understand what a low carbon economy, a resilient community, localising food or zero waste means for them. Importantly, she can assist in turning these concepts into action at any level through facilitation and strategic planning.   

Her expertise in material recovery means that Niki can analyse and advise businesses and manufacturers on how to reduce or eliminate waste going to landfill. Niki has worked with a number of large food processors, and is actively assisting District and City Councils to develop strategic plans for waste management. She has completed numerous waste audits and given advice to councils to reduce waste to landfill. 

Niki project manages urban recycling and resilience projects, including creating inner-city recycling for businesses and residents for Dunedin City Council.

Niki leads our localising food work and has recently completed the foodshed and food system analysis for the Wellington region, as well as for the Buller district. She specialises in community education around local food production, which she led for Our Food Network (an Incorporated Society) in Dunedin for seven years.